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Best New Attractions in Myrtle Beach Attractions for 2024

  By  Shelbi Ankiewicz
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Brand new attractions are hitting the beach this spring. Each year several new businesses open to offer visitors varied experiences every time they visit. They are in different areas throughout the city, some are chains that have come from other places, while others are renovations to existing attractions to make them bigger and better than ever. You can try all these attractions during your next trip to the beach!

New Surfside Beach Pier shops
2. Surfside Pier

The Surfside Pier is finally back for the spring of 2024! The pier, which was destroyed in 2016 due to Hurricane Matthew, has been through years of renovations. It is now completed with a new look and features to accommodate people and the local sea life. There are now cement holdings in the pier instead of only wood, so it is guaranteed to stay sturdy for decades to come. The businesses on the pier will be The Surf Diner which was there before the storm, a bait and tackle store, Drippy’s Homemade Ice Cream, and one other food and beverage establishment. Admission is free to walk the pier, but if you want to fish, there will be fees. Alcohol from businesses on the pier will be allowed for consumption, however, the alcohol cannot leave the pier nor can outside alcohol be brought onto the pier. Surfside Pier will be open starting from April of 2024 from 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. daily.

Shelbi Ankiewicz
Shelbi Ankiewicz is a senior at Coastal Carolina University studying communication, journalism, and intercultural studies. She is originally from Montgomery, Alabama, but has resided in Myrtle Beach for 14 years. She is the Editor-in-Chief of CCU's student newspaper, The Chanticleer, and is a member of a two-year leadership program called the Wall Fellows. Shelbi enjoys trying new restaurants, traveling to major cities in the SouthEast, and attending concerts. In her free time you can find her hanging out with her frenchton bulldog, Oma, or visiting the local trails Myrtle Beach has to offer.